The consequences of sexual abuse

Sexual assault can have many consequences in the victim’s life. Sometimes, survivors suffer consequences without knowing where they came from. Are you one of them? Take the test to find out.

Question 1 of 7

Do you have difficulty trusting others?

Yes No

Question 2 of 7

Do you suffer from an addiction alcohol, drugs or sex?

Yes No

Question 3 of 7

Is work a form of escape or is it impossible for you to keep a job for long?

Yes No

Question 4 of 7

Do you have difficulty remembering your childhood?

Yes No

Question 5 of 7

Do you feel constantly angry or are you unable to assert yourself in particular situations?

Yes No

Question 6 of 7

Do you feel any discomfort about your sexuality?

Yes No

Question 7 of 7

Are you often afraid of being betrayed or abandoned?

Yes No


You have answered, yes to at least one question

You have answered "yes" to at least one question. It is possible that you are living with the consequences of sexual assault. You don’t have to wait until you can answer "yes" to more of these questions. You can contact us anytime starting now to know how we can help you.


You have answered, NO to all the questions

There is a chance you might not be affected by the consequences of sexual assault. However, those consequences can still manifest themselves in different ways. If you believe you might have gone through sexual assault and you need to talk about it, don’t hesitate to contact us. You can get to know our services and find out how we can help you.