Support groups

SHASE offers support groups for men who have been sexually assaulted. Groups are made up of a maximum of 8 voluntary participants, accompanied by two speakers. The participants, who are the same for the duration of this program, meet for 3 hours per week for 12 consecutive weeks.

The group meetings help men realize the consequences of the sexual assault they have experienced. We help them identify and deconstruct false beliefs, self-perception and the relationship dynamics of aggression.

The support group has the following objectives:

  • Promote understanding of the consequences of sexual assault.;
  • Break the isolation and loneliness.
  • Identify survival strategies and modify harmful ones.
  • Reframe sexual assault in order to reduce the shame and guilt felt and put this burden on the abuser.
  • Reveal your story in a safe environment.

Men who have finished the first group program can enroll in another support group where sexuality and intimacy are the core subject. This 12 week program aims to allow survivors to better deal with the consequences of the victimization on their sex life. At the end of these meetings, they can aspire to potentially healthier and more harmonious sexuality.

The topics covered are, among other:

  • Myths and prejudices surrounding sexual abuse
  • Sexual orientation
  • Masculinity and masculine identity
  • Intimacy and relationships.

Participants who have completed at least one series of meetings are invited to continue to meet during meetings called “coeur à coeur”.

SHASE offers a friendly meeting place where men can discuss a multitude of topics. Meetings take place on average every 3 weeks, in the presence of two counselors who ensure the smooth running of the meeting and sometimes address specific topics.